Monday, March 31, 2008


1. Who was the creator of the infamous "lovebug" computer virus?

Onel de Guzman (

2. Who invented the paper clip?

Johan Vaaler (

3. How did the Ebola virus get its name?

The virus gets its name from a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where it was first recognized. (

4. What country had the largest recorded earthquake?

1960 Chile Earthquake ( 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake (

5. In computer memory/storage terms, how many kilobytes in a terabyte?

1024 KB = 1 MB- times 1024 = 1GB -times 1024 = 1 terabyte, which is equal to 109951162776KB (

6. Who is the creator of email?

Ray Tomlinson (

7. What is the storm worm, and how many computers are infected by it?

A computer virus spread through email, used to collect email adresses and send large amounts of spam. Researchers have said that up 50 million computers could be infected.

"The Storm worm botnet is considered to be one of the largest of all botnet populations. And this Storm-related botnet is perhaps the largest conveyor belt of spam, thought to be responsible for everything from pump and dump stock scams, to distribution of new malware via the ever constant greeting card scams. Storm also often uses fear tactics; one example is the private investigator scam email that tricked recipients into opening an alleged recording of themselves, a cleverly disguised new variant of Storm.The so-called Storm worm is actually not a worm, but rather a family of Trojans that typically have the following components:A backdoor component that allows surreptitious access to infected systems;A spam relay component that turns infected machines into spam-bots;A peer networking component that allows the Storm Trojans to communicate with other infected computers on the Storm botnet;An email harvester to steal email addresses found on infected computers;A downloader/dropper component to update itself or download additional malware; and,A rootkit is often included to hide the presence of the Storm Trojans."(Mary's Antivirus Software Blog, about .com)(

"MessageLabs see about 2 million different computers in the botnet sending out spam on any given day, and he adds that he estimates the botnet generally is operating at about 10% of capacity. "We've seen spikes where the owner is experimenting with something and those spikes are usually five to 10 times what we normally see," he said, noting he suspects the botnet could be as large as 50 million computers."(Sharon Gaudin-Storm Worm Botnet More Powerful Than Top Supercomputers )(

8. If you wanted to contact the prime minister of australia directly, what is the most efficient way?

The Hon Kevin Rudd MPPrime MinisterPO Box 6022House of RepresentativesParliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600Tel: (02) 6277 7700Fax: (02) 6273 4100 Or you could always comment his myspace-


9. Which Brisbane-based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (Head of the School of Arts) a member of?

The Black Assassins


10. What does the term "Web 2.0" mean in your own words?

I have no idea. Apparently the new form of web use, to do with creativity and friend spaces ect...more interactive i suppose??? interesting site about it......

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